With food allergies, your child has needs that require special attention. It can be stressful to leave your child with a babysitter, a relative or other caregiver, especially for the first time. Education, careful planning and good communication will help ease your worries as others learn how to care for them.
Let others know about your child’s food allergies so that they can decide whether they feel up to taking care of them. For some, this responsibility may seem overwhelming and too much for them to handle. Others will be more comfortable. Your child should be in the care of those who are ready for the task.
Find a time to meet when the caregiver can provide their full attention. Do this before leaving them in their care. If you give the person information in a hurry as you are leaving, you may forget to mention important details. Also, it is not a reasonable or fair way to teach others.
Talk to the caregiver about food that your child can eat. If the person does not feel comfortable preparing food for your child, offer to do this yourself. If they agree to prepare food, make sure they know how to ensure the food is free of your child’s allergens. If they are unsure and willing to learn, take the time to teach them.
Make sure that caregivers know how to recognize an allergic reaction and how to use the auto-injector. Allow time for questions and practice using the auto-injector before you leave. Review your child’s emergency plan.

- Let your child participate when teaching caregivers. Even young children can tell others what they are allergic to and what rules they must follow. When involved, children learn how to explain their allergies to others in their own words and gain their support.
- Encourage your child to tell an adult right away if they think they have accidentally eaten something that they are allergic to, are having symptoms of a reaction or are worried about something.
- Remind children to say “no thank you” if they are offered food that may not be safe.
- In the case of older children, make sure they have a way to contact you if they have any concerns.

One page guide downloadable as a pdf file that reviews key food allergy management principles and to inform other caretakers about your child’s specific food allergies. Handy reference for playdates, birthday parties, and other drop-off situations. Created in collaboration with Kids with Food Allergies.
KFA Webinar
Parties, Play Dates, Babysitters: How to Transition Care for Children with Food Allergies