Resources for Families without Food Allergies
Things change when a child has a food allergy. You have to be careful all the time, when buying and preparing food, and when eating out. We understand that this can be especially overwhelming if you have to care for another child who has a food allergy.
Our resources provide strategies to keep children happy and safe and can empower you to teach others to care for children with food allergies at home, childcare centers, schools, and family or social events.

Food Allergy Awareness for All
A six minute narrated slideshow to help foster an understanding and supportive community among all parents in the school setting. It highlights basic facts about food allergies and the constant need for prevention and preparedness.
Taking care of a child with food allergies?
Use our selection of tools to streamline and supplement your food allergy management journey. Build peace of mind and confidence through prevention and preparedness.
Help your community live confidently with food allergies
You can lead your community in building a safe, food allergy friendly environment!
Use our Living Confidently with Food Allergy guide to become more confident with educating others about food allergies.
When other people look after your child, it is important that you teach them about your child’s allergy, including details on how to prevent and how to treat a reaction.